Earthing + Grounding.
It’s simple.
It’s effortless.

AND it’s the fast track to feeling good now!

Research shows that there’s a clear, large and measurable shift in health when we plug into nature. This is the science of Earthing.

And the benefits are seen instantaneously, as soon as bare foot touches Earth.

Personally, I start each morning under a tree, with my feet touching the revitalizing Earth as I silently sit with myself and with nature.

No agenda.
Not even to center my mind.
I just sit with what is within me.
And I’m awed by what is around me.

No technology.
Zero distractions.

Some days, my mind is bouncing with thoughts.
Other days, my mind is silent.
Every day, I allow whatever is present to just be!

I watch the birds fly.
I hear the cars drive by.
If I’m lucky, the mystical opens up.
The ordinary reveals the hidden extraordinary.
I witness my own thoughts, the lizards and squirrels with equal welcome.

This practice aligns me with the Diamond Self.
This prepares me for a fulfilling and productive day.
This connects me with what is Real.
With who I truly am.
It kindly carries me Home.
Each breath, like kisses to my own heart.

In today’s new video, I am inspired to explore Earthing with you and what I refer to as Your Unique Soul Habitat…


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