Welcome to 2019!!

Can you feel the freshness and aliveness of this new beginning?

Before I share today’s “Clarity for the New Year” video to support you in flourishing this year, I want you to know something…

I believe in you.

I believe that the calling in your heart is alive within you for a bigger reason.

I believe that you bravely doing what you love has the power to evolve not just you, but our world, too!

I ALSO know (from seeing it time and time again) that most people fall off course and out of alignment because they allow limited thinking to rule them.

It’s a harsh reality, but it’s true!

Very few people have the mindset required to live magnanimous lives and give FULLY!

One of the best ways I have found, however, to override a debilitating mindset is to have a clear, achievable, one-pointed vision that is congruent with your heart and soul.

A clear vision supports clear purpose and clear purpose supports clear action.

When you are in a steady state of action towards your soul-centered vision, you gain momentum which helps you circumvent petty, fear-based thinking.

Although, clarifying your vision can be a vigorous and in-depth process, the 4th question I ask you in today’s video can be incredibly useful in banishing inevitable blocks on the path to living your purpose.

Your answer to the 4th question can serve as your North Star all the way through 2019.

Anytime you fall of course (and we all do from time to time), reconnect with your #1 focus and keep going.

Yes, the key to thriving is to KEEP GOING!

One clear step at a time.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH (+ grab a notebook/pen):

Thriving 2019 Diamond Clarity Questions:
1. What is working in my life?
2. What is not working in my life?
3. Where do I choose to go from here?
4. What is my #1 focus for 2019?